Friday, June 11, 2010


This is the tym tht can be relax during school hols..
rather thn last year bcuz my homework are not to much and it is a burden for me at all..

Sbenarnye x de plan nk g mmne pown cuti skola ni..
and secara x sengaja kuar g fraser hills..
walau camne pown g sne mmg best sbb da lme snarnye x g since i'm in 8 years old..
kat sne mmg da byk berubah nak makin cantik plus byk sgt tmpt menarik yang blh g..
da larh ad tmpt memanah, maain golf, horse riding dan byk ag larh..
tp yg terkejutnye sbb jalan naik ke fraser hills 2 hany satu and antara
yang naik and turun ad masenye..
da larh jalan 2 smpit n ad satu jalan jerk..

okeyhlarh apepown if you all nak experience sendiri try a pegi..
if ad mse lapang and i'm very sure tht thre is the best place
 tht u all can go rather thn genting atau cameron..

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