Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hye semua,
da lme x tulis kat blog..
act, bkan x nk tulis juz x de ape nk tulis plus x de mase pown skrg ni,
maklumlah da sibuk PMR Candidates larh katekan.

Tapi apepun dalam kesibukan ni alhamdullillah sempat gak jmp kengkwan lame..
n the first friend yg aku jmp utk tahun ni DANIA.
She is still the same person that i know before.
still humble n the different inside her is she is taller than me..
ARGhhh, ye larh bdak asrama klo pompuan mmg mls nk g riadah bcuz akn byk alsn yg diberi..
what ever it is, dye mmg jenis yg x lpe kawan, i felt lucky 2 know her..
tadi pown jumpa qama gak, still macam dlu juz skrg ni active ye larh bdk peramahkan..
dye mmg baek walaupun ad mcm laki skit.

Lepas tu ape lagi, aku ngn dania borak a, sembang itu, ini.
tp mmg best a sbb kteorg dapat tukar2 pendapat mklumlah sekolah lain2..
dye cerita pasal kehidupan dye,
n aku cte pasal kehidupan aku..

Lastly, 2morrow kuar ag, jmp kawan lame gak..
dye rnd sgt so ajk jmp.
what ever it is, i hope tht our meeting will going smoothly.
tht all 4 2day, i'll continue klo x de sbrg mslh.
K, tata!! see you all next tym <3

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