Friday, December 24, 2010

Got Result!

101223 ,

First of all, nak wish tahniah kat semua form 3 yang dah berjaya, x kira larh bpe a pown.
msti wak2 2 semua orang sangat gembira kerana mendapat result yang x disangka2 .
Sebagai warga MRSM Pasir Salak, rasa amat berbangga kerana Pasir Salak telah mencatat rekod yang amat mengharumkan nama MRSM Pasir Salak.

Just for tatapan. bknnye btl pown so jgn larh percaya sgt.
Okayh , tht all for now. continue later.
Lastly , tahniah kepada semua yang berjaya.
Form 2 tahun ini usaha lagi utk kejayaan Mrsm kte pada tahun hadapan pula.

Hwaiting ! Hwaiting !

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Tired Day.

Hye Guys,

I think dah lama jugakan x tulis kat blog ni. Act , dah lama nak tulis just x de masa. But for the tym being i think my life likes a traveler . I think every day my family and I will stay in different country . But what ever happen I feel happy because at least I wont stay at home this hols. Hehe.

Here are some pictures for you all.

Okey that all for now. Anyway, lastly Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha .
Sorry, Lambat Ucapkan. 
Bye2 . See you all next tym.
<3 LOL.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

301010 (Graduation Day)

Hello all,

Da lama rasenye x update . Ni pown kene update bcuz adik sedara da bising sbb ckp asyik cerita yg sme je. So dye bosan tgk. Sorry larh kepada yang terasa 2. hhe. 

Btw, actually skrg I freshly graduate from MJSC Pasir Salak. This is myb the last year i was there or maybe not. My ranking for the whole batch for this graduation is number 35 out of 134. And my name was listed in 2nd class upper which is for people who get 3.00 until 3.49. Dalam list 2nd class upper my ranking is number 6. Not too bad , with overall PNG 3.47. =) 

After graduate , as usual la form 3 bley balik so kteorg semua balik ke kampung halaman setelah sebulan lebih  balik sbb lepas PMR kteorg ad program as known as Program MIGTY just for form 3 , it is the program for us after having our PMR . Tapi bila sehari dua duk kat umah rase bosan larh pulak , rasa mcm nk balik jew skolah balik . And skrg ni masing - masing tgh sibuk nk wat reunion bcuz da rase bosan duk kat umh . =( 

I think thats all for today . I'll update another story later .


Friday, June 11, 2010


This is the tym tht can be relax during school hols..
rather thn last year bcuz my homework are not to much and it is a burden for me at all..

Sbenarnye x de plan nk g mmne pown cuti skola ni..
and secara x sengaja kuar g fraser hills..
walau camne pown g sne mmg best sbb da lme snarnye x g since i'm in 8 years old..
kat sne mmg da byk berubah nak makin cantik plus byk sgt tmpt menarik yang blh g..
da larh ad tmpt memanah, maain golf, horse riding dan byk ag larh..
tp yg terkejutnye sbb jalan naik ke fraser hills 2 hany satu and antara
yang naik and turun ad masenye..
da larh jalan 2 smpit n ad satu jalan jerk..

okeyhlarh apepown if you all nak experience sendiri try a pegi..
if ad mse lapang and i'm very sure tht thre is the best place
 tht u all can go rather thn genting atau cameron..

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hye semua,
da lme x tulis kat blog..
act, bkan x nk tulis juz x de ape nk tulis plus x de mase pown skrg ni,
maklumlah da sibuk PMR Candidates larh katekan.

Tapi apepun dalam kesibukan ni alhamdullillah sempat gak jmp kengkwan lame..
n the first friend yg aku jmp utk tahun ni DANIA.
She is still the same person that i know before.
still humble n the different inside her is she is taller than me..
ARGhhh, ye larh bdak asrama klo pompuan mmg mls nk g riadah bcuz akn byk alsn yg diberi..
what ever it is, dye mmg jenis yg x lpe kawan, i felt lucky 2 know her..
tadi pown jumpa qama gak, still macam dlu juz skrg ni active ye larh bdk peramahkan..
dye mmg baek walaupun ad mcm laki skit.

Lepas tu ape lagi, aku ngn dania borak a, sembang itu, ini.
tp mmg best a sbb kteorg dapat tukar2 pendapat mklumlah sekolah lain2..
dye cerita pasal kehidupan dye,
n aku cte pasal kehidupan aku..

Lastly, 2morrow kuar ag, jmp kawan lame gak..
dye rnd sgt so ajk jmp.
what ever it is, i hope tht our meeting will going smoothly.
tht all 4 2day, i'll continue klo x de sbrg mslh.
K, tata!! see you all next tym <3