Friday, December 2, 2011

Hello guys,
sorry for not updating my blogs lately.
quite busy. 
Okay. First of all,  I wanna wish congrats to all form 4 11/12 
MJSC Kuantan for our final exam. 
I hope that all us will not give up and keep our hardwork for the next exam. 
That's all from me. See you guys soon. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    Tomorrow I will going back to my hostel. This is the last post for this month as I gonna sit for my semester exam within this two weeks. Wish me a best luck. I also wanna wish good luck to all suzuran's for your semester. All of us must get an excellent result for this last exam.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


This weekend I spend my whole day to finished off my homeworks.
Urm, later on I think i;m going nuts. hha. 
I hope I manage to complete all the work before tomorrow.




Saturday, May 28, 2011


I want to wish you all best luck kat spe2 yg da pindah or nak pindah ; 

Izwanis , 

Afiq Zikri , 

Tinkerbell kte ( yanni adrianna ) 

Iqlima ( MRSM Besut ) 

 Nina ( MRSM Pengkalan Chepa ).

Harap korang semua doing well kat tmpt msing2. love u all <3

p/s ; yanni, walaupun kte x rapat, i'll still remeber you. the best actress . luv you .

MRSM Kuantan ~

Hey you guys!
It has been a long time i didn't update my blog since msk mrsm kuantan . 
Ramai org tny , how's lyf? apalagi just jawab everything okay .
 study ? still the same answer. Myb cuz awl2 dlu mmg la bese tp lme2 da terbiasa. 

Here some activities during 4 months in mjsc kuantan ;

Minggu Bahasa - Dramateam

Congrats 2 all the actor , actresses and also to all the drama crew ;)

Super - MRSM T.A.R , Pekan .

Hi-tea at Megaview Hotel ,

Ladies Night ,  

Happy Teacher's Day
 ( buat amal basuh kereta cikgu ) ngee~ 

Lastly , EXAM
For sure trok pny result but hope not . hha. ; D 

These are all the activities so far ,

Thanks to all ,

Harap smua budak2 kuantan ,ps , and ex-ps get a good result for this sem ,

Tata ~

Friday, March 18, 2011


Just having a nice conversation with AIMIE KHAIRUNISA at Raneissance Hotel  KB
x sempat jumpa lama2 cuz nk cpt nk blek da wak2 2. Its okay , at least dapat jmp kawan lama pown jdi . 
She is still the same , dye pown nak cepat cuz nk kuar g makan ngn family dia . 
But smpat larh tny ngn dia about kkwn kat pasir salak . 
Anyway , lps neyh hopefully dpt jumpa yang laen plak. 
btw Aimie , next tym if we meet kita hangout plak kayh, 
take care ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

SUJU is Coming ~

Date ; 19 Mac 2011 (saturday)
Place ; Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil

Ticket Price:

Rock Pitt - RM 486

Terrace Seats- RM 486

Balcony Seats- RM 376

Partial Restricted View- RM 226

Official Radio ;

For those who can't go ,
don't be sad .
Try again next time.

credits to ;

Wan Aisyah , Syarifah Nur Ainina ,
Amina Husna ,


STARTING MY NEW LYF as MJSC KUANTAN student. What ever it is ,
Pasir Salak is still in my heart . Tapi yang bagusnye tukar sekolah ni act , dpt tmbh lagi ramai kwan.
Yerlarh, 3 tahun lepas knal ngan orang barat, sekarang knl la plak org timur.
 Diaorang mmg sporting tp masih awal lagi nak knl hati budi masing2.

Lps 2 skrg neyh tgh sibuk nak pikir pasal tajuk untuk sem, bln tjuh da ad presentation
so kne wat yang simple2 jerk , x ley yang complex karang apa yang dirancang smuanye x menjadi.

Study ?

Macam bese ar keje skola cuti mid-semester mmg x pernah x banyak.
Tp alhadulillah x de exam selaras satu so kene strunggle untuk selaras dua la to maintainkan pointer.
 Bljr pown agak laju terutama addmath, pastu kene tukar kls , pnt kowt sbb mostly cikgu yang ad
dlam kls lame x ajr kls bru so syllabus yg dyeorg ajar ad yang laju lagi ad yang
 sikit lagi so mcm x sekata . Macam bese ar klo da laju 2 kne ar belajar sendiri tp klo lmbt 2 alhamdullillah
 larh sempat lagi klo nak catch up. Suasana kat skola bru neyh agak best ar cuz
 tiap2 petang mesti berangin maklumlah dekat ngn pantai .
Thts all kowt . See you again next tym .


Yana , Izzah , Nana , Hannah , As ,
 Mudrikah , Aulia , Hida , AdibKaman ,
Fadhil , My Compound ,
& to all form 4 Mjsc Kuantan <3

Friday, February 25, 2011


Hye2 to all.

Start a new lyf at new place , 
What ever it is I LOVE PEOPLE IN PASIR SALAK <3.
Trying to adapt myself in Kuantan. 
I think sooner or later I will get used with tht.
Eventough it a new place I will never forget u all :

myra,miao,nyna,miera,fynn,and 2 all PS's student.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Last Word ~

        To my lovely cubemate for three years , take care . Don't ever and ever try to forget me . (Tiqadayahfira)
My best friends for ever , aminasyaripsyazmiao . 
Do well in everything dude. 
Hanis , my good listener . I'll miss you very much .
My lovely homeroom . Jaga homeroom elok2 .
Jaga Sir Jas and Cikgu Amir (ckg homeroom) jgn buat dyeorg terasa. 

Will never forget our moments together .

To all sixth batch in mrsm ps ,

Weyh korang aq mnx maaf buat masa terdekat neyh x ley nk upload video ,

ad prob sikit.
Tapi aq janji nnt ble da upload aq gtau korang smua. 
Btw, take care kat pasir salak , jgn kasi budak bru conquer.
Btw, to amina , syarifah , syaz , miao , jge diri au .
N to my lovely cubemate jge diri , jgn sombong sgt ngn bdk bru 2 nnt. 

Bye2. Take care <3